Moments of Generosity

When I pause to think about my time at the James Place, when I think of the memories I've gained, the lessons I've learned, and the people I've met; the word that seems to come to mind most often is generosity. When most think of generosity, they think of it in terms of money or material items, but this summer I've seen the depth of variety that the word can actually hold. I've seen generous community being given by and received between staff, children, and women in the program... they truly just do life together, all the messy, joyful, true, and raw moments of life. No one who enters the gates of the James Place has to do life alone because everyone here is ready and willing to give their time, energy, and love to make sure that person knows how loved and special they are. It's evident that the environment of generosity that I have witnessed here comes from the Father of giving; His spirit is sown throughout each aspect of the programs here. I'm so very thankful to have experienced each moment of generosity this summer. Every joyful hug from a sweet child, every sweet story of how God has changed their life from a woman, every opportunity to learn from my sweet friends in the social work department, every home I've been welcomed into; I've seen the generous grace, love, & mercy of the Lord. 

- Breanna Popham, Volunteer Short Term Intern

Rachel Weir