Finding Love Here

In the middle.

In the middle of tying preschoolers shoes, in the middle of cleaning babies' runny noses, in the middle of serving cooked cabbage to hungry staff, in the middle of folding towels, in the middle of painting pottery - He is there. It is in all of the "middle" moments through out my day, that I see Him clearer. I feel Him closer.

I subconsciously came here with a "hero" mentality, like anyone would traveling to a third-world country. But that was turned right around, the first time one of the sweet childcare workers insisted on washing my feet. Yes, I came here to serve, but the way that my heart is being served at the James Place every day is far beyond any "rescuing" my "heroic" self could do. HEAL ministries is all about love, and I can vouch for the fact that it goes beyond the pictures on Instagram.

I am forever thankful -  for the relationships I've built at the James Place, and for a loving Father that meets us in the middle.

I pray that I never forget about the middle moments in the day-to-day here; where the love is real and Jesus is near.

- Genesis Lin, Volunteer Intern

Rachel Weir